Jean-Baptiste DEMONTE

Jean-Baptiste DEMONTE Senior Full Stack Developer Freelance43 yo, Trévien (France)

I'm a web developer since 2005. I have participated in the development of several startups as developer / CTO.
I like to learn, understand and share.

Technical Skills

Over the past twenty years, I have used and practiced a large number of languages, libraries and other tools. Here is a list that I particularly like:


Master Degree in Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science

Master Degree in Engineering

Electronics and Computer Science

2002 - 2005 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne

Center of Microelectronics George Charpak, Gardanne

Bachelor's Degree in computer engineering

Bachelor's Degree

Computer Engineering

2001 - 2002

St. Jerome's University, Marseille

Higher National Dipoma in industrial IT

Higher National Dipoma

Industrial IT

1999 - 2001

High School Jean Lurçat, Martigues

French High School Diploma in sciences

French High School Diploma



High School Paul Langevin, Martigues

Work Experience

Developer - Freelance

Jam (formerly PiePacker)

Since November 2022

Jam is a web platform to play retro and neo-retro games online.

My main missions are:

Developer / CTO - Freelance


November 2021, November 2022 (1 year)

Agicap is a specialist in cash management.

I participated in the development of 2 new products:

One of the particularities of Agicap is the level of requirement on the quality of the product code. All developments are done in DDD (Domain Driven Design).

Developer / CTO - Freelance

Panda Conseil

March, October 2021 (8 months)

Panda Conseil is a company specialized in the search for financing.

I led the development of a platform allowing Panda Conseil's clients to enter their R&D workbooks and to make time sheets.
I also managed the hosting of this solution.

Developer - Freelance

Krug Champagne / Talent Making Talent

January, March 2021 (2.5 months)

Krug Champagne is a champagne house based in Reims for more than 170 years.

I developed a platform allowing Krug Champagne to present its products to journalists during private online events.
The presentation is done with a video conference enriched with dynamic elements. I also managed the hosting of this solution.

Developer - Freelance

Qatar Foundation / Auditoire / Talent Making Talent

October, November 2020 (2 months)

The World Innovation Summit For Health is a global charity event organized by the Qatar Foundation.

I was asked to help finalize the World Innovation Summit For Health 2020 (WISH 2020) website.
One of my main tasks was to set up a video conference and a moderated text chat.

Developer - Freelance

Peugeot / Talent Making Talent

September, October 2020 (1.5 months)

The goal of the Peugeot 2020 Virtual Show was to present the new models through an immersive 3D experience and to connect buyers and sellers via a video interface.

I was urgently asked to take over the Peugeot 2020 Virtual Show project.
My mission was to take over and stabilize the existing project, finalize its development and set up its hosting and monitoring.

Co-founder and CTO


August 2015, February 2020 (4 years, 7 months)

With my partner, we created Gojob in 2015, with the sole objective of hacking unemployment.

For more than four years, we have developed a great company that now employs more than 1000 people a week, with a turnover of 20 million euros a year.

This adventure as a founder has allowed me to get used to the different aspects of the creation and life of a company (boards, fundraising...) and to set up a technical team that is as committed as it is specialized.

It was really one of my most enriching experiences.

Developer (pro bono)


May 2017, December 2019 (2 years, 8 months)

Recalbox is one of the main open-source operating systems allowing to play the video games of yesteryear.
I have been involved in its development mainly on the GUI.


Let Network France

July 2014, March 2015 (9 months)

Thanks to a new fund-raising campaign, the Let adventure was able to resume with a reduced team a few months before closing down for good.
I then managed backend development and web maintenance as CTO.

Senior Web Developer


November 2013, June 2014 (8 months)

As a freelancer, I have developed and participated in various projects, mainly around web technologies.

One of the most important project I was entrusted with was to develop a real-time air quality monitoring software.
This software controlled various autonomous sensors by RF or GSM.
I had to reverse-engineer the legacy software whose sources were not available (conflict between the client and his subcontractor).

Senior Web Developer

Let Network France

July 2012, November 2013 (1 year, 4 months)

Available on web and mobile, Let was a social network like Facebook but focused on sharing video media.
The Let team was composed of 15 people specialized: 1 Web, 1 Android, 2 IOS, 3 servers, 2 ITs and the rest in marketing, design and QA.

I fully developed the web client which was an SPA (Single Page Application) using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript technologies.
Its engine that I also developed was an MVP framework close to the JS Backbone framework.

In support of the dedicated team, I developed some key parts of the Python backend, notably the first version of the mediabox (the storage server).

November 2013
April 2014

Web developer then CTO

Digitick SA

September 2005, July 2012 (7 years - 5 years as CTO)

Digitick is the French leader in e-ticketing for concerts, sports events, museums...

I joined when it started, I was then the second employee. When I left it, it had become a group that had absorbed two other companies (ZePass and Satori) and regrouped more than 100 employees.

I have developed and managed the development of a large number of features and services for and its hundreds of major clients such as the Eiffel Tower,...


For 5 years (from sept. 2007 to aug. 2012), I managed a team of 20+ engineers in web technologies.
I was in charge of the development department, which meant that I had to work closely with leads from various other departments.
I was extremely close to the IOC to ensure an optimal quality of service.

One of the most difficult tasks was to constantly manage excessively urgent projects.
The world of events (concerts, sports...) is surprisingly disorganized, always waiting for the last moment to submit its projects. The resulting deliveries are systematically made in a hurry.
I had to manage a plethora of backends, interfaces and specific services, extending our system on a daily basis, but always maintaining its stability and efficiency.


Here are some of my biggest projects:

I developed and/or managed a large part of our white-label ticketing platform.
The fifth version of this solution was used for example on the official websites of the Eiffel Tower, the 24H du Mans...
This solution allows designers to deliver a ticketing solution in less than 2 days, focusing on its CSS.

Eiffel Tower 24H du Mans Olympique Lyonnais

I developed the prototype of an on-site sales counter presented during the Eiffel Tower tender that we won.
It is a SPA (Single Page Application) that allows organizers to sell their tickets on site.
This solution, capable of managing various peripherals (printers, LCD displays...) has been deployed at numerous points of sale (Eiffel Tower, stadiums, national museums...).

Ticketing spot

I developed the first 3 versions of our access control system.
Advanced MySQL tasks and a PHP software provide an embedded C programmed terminal with a binary dump representing a complex data system.

Cipherlab Terminal
Terminal Cipherlab
Around 1.4Mb of data
with / without WiFi
Embedded C
C Programming guide

Digitick's back-office is a vast platform that allows organizers to configure their sales, from simple quota to numbered placement of the largest stadiums, with or without the interfacing of external ticketing systems.
It allows CRM, advanced document generation, fine data extraction, vision and real-time sales management.
It is the result of more than 8 years of code from the whole team, I managed a large part of its developments.

Back office #1 Back office #2

During this period, I faced some interesting challenges, especially on the production platform (MySQL optimizations, DB replication problems, ...).
Working closely with the CIO was extremely formative and motivating. I really enjoyed working on such a vast platform (10 diskless front servers, 2 NetApp, 2 DB servers, ...).

Engineering student

Inside Secure

September 2002, September 2005 (3 years)

Inside Secure (formerly called Inside Technologies) is a startup developing RFID solutions (From processor design to complete packaged solutions).

I have developed in-house testing solutions and benches for chips, from PCB design to software and user manuals.
My most interesting project was a solution to analyze the chips work, before their submission for certification. I had to code an ISO 15963 frame analyzer.


  • Code
  • Volley-Ball
  • Mountain Bike
  • Craft
  • Retro-Gaming
  • Hacking
  • Electronics